React, A library built on top of JavaScript
Use React to send Frankenstein to the moon. React is an open source library, maintained by Meta, to create UI interfaces. A front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components.
My NotesLearning is a lifelong process and I'll never stop
A taste of React
Introducing JSX
Props and more
Introducting create React app
Pokedex Project
Introducing State
React State dice exercise
React State patterns
State exercises
The world of React Events
Hangman exercise
Lights out game
Forms in React
Forms exercise
Todo list project
Building yahtzee
React lifecycle methods
Life cycle methods and API exercise
Building the dad jokes app
React Router
Vending machine exercises
React Router patterns
Router exercises (Part 2)
The massive color project (Part 1)
The massive color project (Part 2)
JSS and withStyles — Color App
The massive color project (Part 3)
The massive color project (Part 4)
The massive color project (Part 5)
The massive color project (Part 6)
The massive color project (Part 7)
Introducing React Hooks
React Hooks project
Introducing the Context API
Using Context with Hooks
State Management with useReducer and useContext
Next JS
Next — Fetching and Server API
Bonus — Webpack Mini Course — Your own simple version of Create React App