JavaScript, adding functionality to your website
Apart from being the secret ingredient to Dr. Victor Frankenstein ' s success. JavaScript is also one of the core fundamentals to web development. Where CSS is the adjective, JavaScript is the verb which provides functionality to our webpage.
My NotesLearning is a lifelong process and I'll never stop
These are my notes on: JavaScript
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
JavaScript Fundamentals (Part 1)
JavaScript Fundamentals (Part 2)
How to navigate this course
Developer skills and editor setup
[Optional] HTML and CSS Crash course
JavaScript in the browser — Dom and Events fundamentals
How JavaScript works behind the scenes
Data Structures, Modern Operators and Strings
A closer look at functions
Working with Arrays
Numbers, Dates, Intl and Timers
Advanced DOM and Events
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with JavaScript
Mapty App — OOP, Geolocation, External libraries and more!
Asynchronous JavaScript — Promises, Async/Await, and AJAX
Modern JavaScript Developement — Modules, Tooling and Functional
Forkify App — Building a modern application
Setting up Git and Deployment
The end!